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Morris Minor Classic Show, Crealy Adventure Park, 16th September 2007

Writer: Duchy Capri ClubDuchy Capri Club

Everybody met initially at Chiverton services at 0900hrs

Written by: Tristan Barratt

We left for Crealy and cruised steadily up there, with most of us ignoring the advances of a Porsche driver on the dual stretch after Carland Cross.

When we finally caught up with Martin and Steve after they had pulled off the A30, we continued onto Crealy.

After being ushered into our usual space, we all set off to explore the thrills of the park. Sadly, this year there were not as many cars on display, due to the fact that there was a Steam Rally at nearby St Mawgan on the same day.

The weather held though, with the odd smattering of rain, but not half as much as was available on the log flume. Gary managed an absolute soaking this year and followed up by offering everyone hugs immediately after, which, for some strange reason, most declined.

Tris even managed to avoid doing his knee in like he did last year, by acting like a kid in the house thing that houses a demon drop and the ball pool.

It's interesting to note (if you like that sort of thing) that Kim Henson from "Classics" magazine was in attendance at the show, driving down in his Austin A60 Cambridge from Poole in Dorset. He won the "Furthest Distance Travelled in 2006" and there's no reason why he shouldn't have done the same this year.

After admiring the cars that were there and taking full advantage of the rides (please don't ever let me go on the pirate ship again - especially after a chicken and bacon roll and full pack of Tesco's rip off prawn cocktail Skips) the group eventually chose their time to leave.

Sadly, on the way home, Sam and Tris saw what looked like quite a bad accident, involving the minty green coloured Ford Popular SSK 702, where it was on it's side in a layby on the opposite side of the road. The Police were in attendance and it looked like everyone was fine - except the car though.


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